Moonfall 2022 Ending Explained | Movie Spoilers | Hinglish
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Today I am going to explain the recently released Science Fiction film called Moonfall. The film is based on Christopher Knight and Alan Butler's 1998 conspiracy theory book, who built book. It is a collection of coincidental facts about the Moon and other astronomical, planetary proportions, which leads the authors to believe that at some point in the future humanity traveled back in time 4.6 billion years to artificially construct the Moon. Well if you are a conspiracy theory fan then read this book, it has pretty real facts also. The film starts in the year 2011. A crew of astronauts led by commander Jo flower was doing routine maintenance at a satellite repair station. Jo's fellow astronaut Brain Harper observes an unusual moving object made up of some sort of tech, moving towards them. In a flash of a second, this Swarm of a thing attacks the astronauts and kills them. Brain's friend and another astronaut Alan Marcus were knocked off. Brain tried his best to save him but he was unsuccessful. He somehow sailes towards the shuttle. Then he and Jo safely come back to the earth.
18 months later brain Harper was a disgruntled NASA astronomer his theory of swan attacking astronauts where ridiculed. He was removed from NASA for professional misconduct and negligence. Jo and Brain's friendship collapsed due to this. Brain's wife brand also left him with his son Sunny. Brain had gone to court against NASA but sadly there also he lost the case. Sunny was attached to his father and he was watching this case on TV. This was a big scandal as two astronauts' life was lost.
Now the story moves 10 years forward. Now we see a guy named KC who was a megastructure enthusiast. He sneaks himself into the University of California observatory and hacks the system for moon orbital activity. He was working at a fast-food restaurant for a day job. This guy believed in his theory of mega structures. He observes the moon's orbital reading on his phone, he was quite shocked to see it. Later he pays a visit to his mother Elaine who was suffering from Alzheimer's.
Commander Jo flower was still working at NASA. she was divorced from her husband general Doug Davidson. General Doug was one of the key generals in the army, we will know about him shortly. Jo and Doug share custody of the son Jimmy and they were also helping a foreign exchange Student Michelle. Michelle was taking care of Jimmy, a sort of babysitter. NASA informs Jo about the moon's orbital activity. Moon was circling around the earth for millions of millions of years. But suddenly now it's moving towards the earth. Its orbital radius was decreasing. Meaning theories of Einstein and Newton were gone rogue in one instance. To move an object like the size of the moon from its position requires a huge normal amount of energy. Hence Jo couldn't believe it. But scientists were pretty sure about it, they showed her the images of the place, where 12 years ago that swarm sank. That place was on the darker side of the moon. 12 years ago has NASA couldn't capture it. Now since the moon had turned they were seeing it clearly. It was a deep creator with miles deep inside the moon.
Brian was working as a tour guide at a space museum for kids. KC disguised himself and met with Brian. He tried to reason it out with him about moons shifting orbital positions. He thought his connections at NASA can help him. But I like all people with common sense Brian thought of KC as a crackpot. He threw him out of the museum with security. Before going out KC threw papers at Brian, which were full of evidence.
Brian was now divorced, his wife Brenda married another rich guy named Tom Lopez. They had two twin daughters Nikki and Lauren. Brain now gets a call from Brenda as police were chasing sunny. This was live on TV. Sunny had become a spoiled kid. Brian went to the bail hearing where Sunny's lawyer sort of implied in a rude way that they can pay the money. Brian also interrupted in between which fumed the judge. The judge angrily postponed the case to next week and sentenced sunny to jail till then.
When the NASA director was telling everyone to keep this news a secret, someone leaked the news to the media, with evidence. It's started trending on Twitter. Brian tries to bribe the judge to let his son out, but the judge was spooked by this moon news. He said I am running out, I am not sure the court will open next week. The panic spread across the world, people were buying, looting, and stockpiling things as if there is no tomorrow.
NASA official released a press note saying they are watching this very carefully. They were sending a crew to look into it. Tom and his daughters were watching this news on TV. Where they were predicting doomsday, as the moon will near the earth it will cause mega-tsunamis, mega-earthquake and the earth will literally start breaking. Tom called Brenda in panic and told her that it's best that they fly to the Colorado mountain mansion. High altitudes were relatively safe compared to plains. Brenda was worried about sunny, Tom promised that he will get him out.
Brian to see the news on the TV. One particular clip got his attention. According to one craziest theory by fringe astronomers, the moon was a megastructure. These were artificial planet-size objects powered by captured stars. It reminded Brain of Jr who was telling this. Brian met KC and discussed this.
NASA now sends a crew to the moon to investigate this anomaly. The crew spacecraft flew to the other side of the moon where they saw a big never-ending creator. They sent a probe into it, the probe went deep into the creator. Nearly 24.5kilometers. Jo, the NASA director, and others were seeing this. Suddenly the probe stopped and the swamp, which we saw at the beginning emerged from it. Meanwhile, the moon started moving. The swamp emerged from the creator and attacked the shuttle. It killed all three astronauts. Back at NASA, everyone was shell-shocked. This swamp was a highly advanced AI tech that was working on its own. Five hundred years of modern astronomy were thrown out of the window. Human tech is punitive compared to this. NASA director sensed the eminent endgame hence he resigned and ran away. Do was his second in command hence she took the charge.
Due to the shifting of the moon, a mega-tsunami hits California. Brian and KC's building got flooded. Many such mega-tsunamis were evoking havoc across the globe. Jo digs into old NASA archives and finds a helmet Cam footage from Brian's mission twelve years ago. This swamp was clearly visible, it had attacked its crew members. An old astronomer who was the in-charge of these archives tells Jo that, NASA knew about this in 1969. The Apollo program, its technology is thousand years ahead of humans. NASA covered it up. They called Brain crazy. NASA had developed an Empty bomb to destroy that swamp but the mission never got approved due to budget constraints.
Jo talks with the president and military about this new plan of attacking the swamp entity, but the military was not sure. They preferred nuking the moon. Meaning the world was out of its mind. Jo goes ahead with her plans. She gathers a new crew, this time she wanted Brian. Security rescued Brian and KC from their building which was about to get swamped by a tsunami.
Brian asked his son sunny to be released before he could go on the mission. Jo agreed and the police released sunny, he too arrived at NASA. Jo's son was already there. General Doug wanted Jimmy and his family in the Colorado mountains. Jo promised him that after the launch she will be there with the kids. Later Brian picked up the shuttle from a museum. When the team NASA was getting ready to launch, a massive earthquake hit the ground. It tossed everything up. Their plan was kaput. This means their deep space racket's two engines got destroyed, only two were intact. Hence Jo canceled the mission and asked everyone to leave for safety. KC and the other two scientists were still thinking about how the moon. How could it cause these kinds of gigantic earthquakes? Its gravity is way less for this to occur. KC told them that moon mass is wrong, it's a megastructure. It has a mass of a star. They showed this new reading to jo. In theory, it was possible that when the moon will be directly above the earth it will exert more gravity. This will give a boost to the shuttle if launched in that window. It was a gamble. Jo and Brian took this gamble. They decided to launch the shuttle with KC on board. Kids said goodbye to their parents. Just as they were launching the gravitational abnormality caused a huge ocean wave that was coming directly at them. The crew launched the shuttle just before the water hit them. Sunny bonds with Michelle and Jimmy on the drive to Colorado. His reckless driving skills come in handy. Sunny speaks with general Doug and gives him updates. he assures him that Jimmy is safe. On their way, they are robbed by a trio of thieves, and they are forced to walk.
Brian and the crew entered the space. First, they fuel up at SpaceX station. Later they navigate through the moon debry belt to that creator from where that swamp was coming. The swamp was detecting electronics, hence they switched off all electronics at the shuttle. Then placed the moon orbiter with an EMP bomb directly above the creator. After this, they switched on all electronics at the orbiter. They planned to use the orbiter as bait. Initially, it worked, the swamp came out of the creator but instead of going to the orbiter, it started moving towards them. KC was recording all this on his phone, the swamp sensed this. It started attacking the shuttle. Brian in a panic grabbed the phone from KC and broke it. As soon as he did that the swamp went back to its hole. Meaning this AI swamp was designed to act only if organic material is present in an electronic environment. Hence it attacked the shuttle, not the orbiter.
Sunny, Jimmy, and Mischelle were on foot at the bottom of the Colorado mountains. When the moon rise started, the gravity was so huge that it started sucking up everything. These kids hid themselves under a cave and survived somehow. Later, they knocked at the door of Sunny's stepdad, Tom's house. On the mountains, moon debris was crashing left, right and center. Sunny met his mom Brenda and updated them. Then they heard the news on the radio that soon the moon will rise again, which will suck even the oxygen. sunny told them about general Doug and the rescue bunker where he was waiting for them. The family packed oxygen masks, and cylinders and left for the bunker. The thieves from earlier try to rob them, but Sonny and Tom hold them off with guns. As they try driving away, the thieves pursue them and attempt to run them off the road. The moon then causes another gravitational shift, where chunks of the earth's mass begin breaking off the ground. The leader of the thieves is crushed by debris, while the remaining two thieves crash their car against a chunk of mass after Sonny manages to drive off a ramp to safety. Meanwhile, the President of the United States issues an order for nukes to be launched at the moon in a last-ditch effort to save everyone.
In the space, the trio decides to enter the creator. They make it onto the moon’s base. The moon's internal structure was like a giant gyroscope with many moving parts. The swamp sensed these guys' presence as soon as they turned on their electronics. It started chasing them. After a few moments, a dash of light sucked the orbiter and locked the door. These were knocked out in this operation. When they woke up Brain was missing. We see Brian in a room who was met by the moon’s Operating System, which took the form of Sonny as a child. It started speaking to him. The OS explains that the Swarm is an artificial intelligence created by ancient humans billions of years ago. Ancient humans created the AI system which one day got self-aware. It deemed humans as less worthy and enemies hence started killing them. Ancient humans created these gigantic megastructures in search of a new planet. The earth was one of the planets they chose. The OS tells Brian that the AI can be defeated, but a human must stay behind to make it happen.
back on earth, Sunny, Tom, and everyone else put on oxygen masks as the air starts to thin. They make their way to a cave for safety. Nikki’s oxygen runs low, so Tom gives her his tank. He starts to lose his breath and tells Nikki to just keep walking before he dies. When Nikki reaches her family, the oxygen starts to come back, so Sonny and Michelle attempt to go find Tom, but Sonny is taken down by a falling tree that pins him down.
Doug holds his colleagues at gunpoint to prevent them from nuking the moon since he believes Jo can still save them.
Back on the moon, OS upgrades the crashed orbiter with boosters. The trio makes one last attempt to get the bomb to the Swarm. . When they get close to the bomb, Brian attempts to sacrifice himself to stay behind and deliver the bomb. But KC ends up taking his place instead. He feels that Brian and Jo have families to return to, while he has a chance to do something with his life. Brian and Jo bid him farewell, and the Swarm surrounds KC’s pod before he detonates the bomb. Killing the Swarm and sending the moon back to its rightful position. Brian and Jo are close enough to the Earth to fly out on a pod.
Brian and Jo unite with their families. Brian is told about Tom’s fate, and he tells Brenda that he was a great man. He also tells Sonny that KC saved the world.
Back on the moon, KC’s consciousness is uploaded to the base. He meets the Operating System, which takes the form of his mother. KC is told that they are about to get started on something big. With this, the movie ends.
This is a pure sci-fi film, with lots of ridiculous logic. It's very long, the editing is sloppy and the story could have been better. The only thing I liked is the graphics and action scenes. This was a crazy sci-fi epic that turned out to be disastrous at the box office. Overall it's an enjoyable guilty pleasure family film. I hope you liked the video, if yes then please give it a like and subscribe to the channel. Thanks for watching. Take care.